QURI Chemistry
Functions are abstracted services, designed to accelerate algorithm discovery and application prototyping. Premium Plan members can get started with the IBM Circuit function, or purchase licenses from partners.
Read the docsQESEM generates accurate results for large circuit volumes using a combination of proprietary characterization-based methods for noise-aware transpilation, hardware-level error suppression, and unbiased error mitigation.
QESEM offers powerful unbiased error mitigation, which improves accuracy and can be scaled with additional QPU time.
QESEM is designed to work across many applications, increasing the accuracy of results for quantum circuits or observables, and optimizing performance with advanced circuit compilation.
Leverage mitigation with QEDMA-optimized fractional-angle Rzz(θ) gates to significantly reduce circuit depths.
Employ optimized mitigation for observables composed of many non-commuting Pauli strings in quantum chemistry and physics applications.
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